Do you Smashion?
Monday, January 31, 2011A few weeks back, I was contacted by Vanessa @ Smashion, introducing me to a site combining both marketplace with a sense of community. Users are able to buy and sell new or lightly worn clothing without paying a fee. Yup, no more selling on eBay or Bonanza for me! Other cool features include browsing other people's styles in the Gallery, or interacting with other users in the Forum. I've been thinking of setting up a blog shop to make space in my closet. I haven't had time to get around to it, but Smashion seems pretty easy to use and will be at the top of my list.
She also asked if I'd be interested in being interviewed for the Smashion Lounge. Of course I said yes. I felt like a quasi-celebrity, hehe. So if you're interested, check out my 2 minutes of fame.