
PFC #9: Heat Wave Appropriate

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hosted by Elle @ Fast Food & Fast Fashion, Petite Fashion Challenge #9: Heat Wave Appropriate has us creating a work outfit that accounts for the various environmental factors that plague us in the summer. How do you dress when it's 90 degrees outside and 65 degrees inside?

I had an extremely hard time with this challenge. Since my work place is very casual, I try to wear my most comfortable clothes (usually the bummiest) when there's a heat wave. To meet the requirements for this challenge, I picked dressier but still light-weight items that are machine washable because the worst is sweating through dry-clean only clothes in the heat. The choice was between light-colored fabric vs. dark-colored fabric. With lighter colors, sweat stains are more visible. But with darker colors, you tend to sweat more. So... it came down to grossing others out or dealing with periodic waves of hot flashes? (Ok, I exaggerate, it's mostly not that bad) I chose the former.

For the commute: A tee, pencil skirt, and flats.

For work: Don a blazer and swap out the flats for a pair of pumps.
sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
blazer: theory (similar; similar)
necklaces: Forever 21 (currently sold here); Forever 21 (similar; similar)
tee: American Eagle (currently sold here; similar; similar)
ring: Spotted Moth via Kendi's giveaway (similar)
skirt: LOFT (similar; similar)
shoes: [left] Nine West (currently sold here); [right] Old Navy (currently sold here)

More Stripes

Friday, July 29, 2011

Bold black and white stripes remind me of prison uniforms, haha. I always picture that over orange jumpsuits. Nevertheless, when I saw this skirt on Lilly, I had to have it. So after browsing through the skirt section on forever21.com, I only found this and this, which looked completely different on the model. As it turns out, it was the right skirt. Size M probably would have fit me better, but L was the only one I could find in the store and the fit wasn't too bad. I like how I can wear it longer for the pencil-skirt look.

Happy Friday!

top: American Eagle (currently sold here)
tank (underneath): Old Navy (similar)
skirt: Forever 21 (currently sold here; similar)
ring (mostly hidden): H&M (similar)
bag: Chanel (similar)
shoes: Mossimo (similar)

Pop Goes the Collar

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You'd think that since I went to one of the preppiest schools in the country, I would have perfected the art of popping collars.


Instead, I was too busy pulling all-nighters and wearing t-shirts with sweats. Just kidding (for one of the two -- but which one?). So here I am today, late to this trend, simply because a popped collar shows off the necklace better.

sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
belt: Old Navy (similar)
flats: Old Navy (currently sold here)

Piling It On

Monday, July 25, 2011

I went in for my bi-annual haircut yesterday. (Sorry for being a tease, new hair debut will be on Saturday, at the next PFC -- are you in?) My stylist took one look at my bird's nest hair, tsk tsk-ed, then set to work. She chopped off about 5", thinned, and flat ironed my hair. I walked away with stick straight hair that felt silky smooth to the touch. Loveeee. Let's see how many outfit pictures I can squeeze in before it's back to headless shots. I'm betting I'll last three days before succumbing to a wash.

An outfit post with my old hair. I'll trade access to my closet for flat ironing services in the mornings ;) Hope you're having a great Monday!

sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
belt: Old Navy (similar)
clutch: Jenny Yuen
flats: Valentino (similar)


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Today's outfit was one of those that made me go ehhh in the mirror. But in motion with a breeze? Much better. I was having so much fun twirling that I hardly felt this 100 degree heat. Ok, a slight exaggeration there, but it helps to have something to think about other than the heat. Fall -- scratch that -- next week's temperatures in the 90s can't come soon enough!

top: American Eagle (currently sold here)
dress as skirt: Express
flats: Old Navy (currently sold here)

Fitting Room: Express + Ann Taylor

Friday, July 22, 2011

I had time to kill at the mall, so I tried on a couple of things that caught my eye. Unfortunately (or is it a good thing?), I didn't end up buying anything today.

First is the Express Trimmed Military Trench Coat in khaki, size XS - currently sold here. I liked what I had seen online, so I had high hopes for this jacket. In person, the color looked darker, the material was a bit too shiny for my tastes, the trim looked and felt cheap, and the bottom part flared out more than I liked. Geez, it's not like me to be so picky.

Next is the Ann Taylor Modern A-Line Zip Skirt in orange blossom, size 0 - currently sold here. This skirt was quite eye catching in all the recent fall ads. The orange color looked as nice online as it did in person. The fabric was quite thick also. Only larger petite sizes were left, so I went with the smallest regular size. I liked the exposed zipper detailing along the right side, but note that it only unzips halfway.

Lastly, the Ann Taylor Draped Dress in peacock, size XXSP (below left) and XS P (below right) - currently sold here. Sorry for the low quality pictures, but the color on AT's website is how it looks in real life -- a true turquoise. I didn't feel much of a difference between these two small sizes. Usually when I need to find a smaller size, I can't. But today when I need to size up, there were none. Boo! I really liked the dress if it wasn't so clingy and tight. You know me and draping, so I really love that detail all over.

Gingham, Again

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I had my eyes set on this J.Crew shirt, but couldn't swing the $72 price tag. By the time it went on sale, of course my size in neon pink was sold out. Luckily Aubrey mentioned A&F/Hollister had gingham shirts almost like J.Crew's. The only noticeable difference I could tell was the addition of two front pockets. Surprisingly I ended up buying the neon pink in a size small. When did Hollister change their sizing? The last button-up I bought from them (maybe 1-2 years ago?) was a medium and the shoulders felt tighter and the length shorter. The sleeves however, haven't changed. They are still as long as ever. That's ok because I usually roll 'em up. This is it -- I'm finally gingham-ed out (and pink-ed out!)

top: Hollister (currently sold here; similar)
belt: H&M (similar)
skirt: Gap (similar)
bag: Chanel (similar)

Round and Round

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

With the exception of one or two items, I think everything in my closet has been paired with this hot pink top. Even if my math is off, the color is too memorable, so it sure feels that way. It took until this summer for me to slowly venture out of blues and grays. My new color of choice? Pinks, corals, and more pinks. Olyvia said it best, "Bright pink seems to be your power color." What's yours?

top: ASOS (currently sold here)
belts: H&M (similar); Forever 21 (similar)
dress as skirt: Plastic Island
clutch: Jenny Yuen
flats: Valentino (similar)

After the Rain

Monday, July 18, 2011

Taking pictures in a woodsy location after a storm? Not exactly the best idea, for there were little bugs everywhere. I wish I could say the little buggers were the reason I'm walking funny (trying to evade them?), but nope, I'm just being my usual goofy self. That's randomness on a Monday for ya.

blazer: H&M (currently sold in stores; similar)
necklace: Forever 21 (currently sold here; similar)
top: Gap (similar)
skirt: Forever 21 (may still be in stores; similar)
flats: Mossimo (similar)

Candid Laughter

Friday, July 15, 2011

I honestly don't remember what bf was saying/doing that made me laugh out loud. But whatever it was, the self-timer couldn't have captured a better candid moment. I think perhaps I should wait until he's around for future picture taking.

Hope everyone have a laughter-filled weekend!

tee: American Eagle (currently sold here; similar; similar)
skirt: Ann Taylor (currently sold here; similar)
scarf ring as ring: Talbots - gift from Elle (similar)
clutch: BCBG via Sunshine's giveaway (currently sold here)
shoes: Nine West (currently sold here)

Summer 2011 30x30 Wrap-Up

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The last thirty days have been a blur. A good blur, akin to watching your favorite athlete win a championship, but having a hard time savoring the moments until you know it's a win. Then you're left wishing you could relive it again, but it just wouldn't be the same because you already know the outcome. Ok enough of my roundabout sports analogies :) A few thoughts to wrap up this past round:

- I'm glad I forced myself to include a few pairs of heels this time around. It gave me the chance to break them in only to realize: 1) Ann Taylor perfect pumps are the most comfortable heels ever. This is saying a lot coming from a wobbly-walker. 2) One of my feet is bigger than the other. I need to find inserts for my rsvp Tarans now.

- I did end up wearing every item at least once, but many were not worn more than that (failed goal). I definitely played favorites because the J.Crew blue indian shirt and ASOS hot pink blouse both made numerous appearances.

- I should have included more dresses (Forever 21 lace dress didn't count since it's too short, so I really only had the Ann Taylor crochet dress) because wearing dress-as-a-top and dress-as-a-skirt is so fun and versatile.

- My favorite look is from day 30. On the flip side, my least favorite look is from day 6, but mostly because of the bottom half. What are yours?

- I didn't do so well with the shopping ban :( Darn these spring sales and my lack of willpower! I ended up buying: an Ann Taylor necklace + skirt, a Forever 21 necklace + ring + skirt (still debating about keeping), Zara wedges (returned), H&M maxi dress (returned), and Old Navy shirt for a grand total of $81.

- I'm not as much of a scarf lover as I led myself to believe. It feels like I only bust these out during the 30x30s to make similar outfits look "different," hahaha.

- The best surprise was rediscovering my Express bootcut/flare jeans. How have I not paired jeans with heels until NOW?! Well, I guess I haven't found comfy heels until now.

Picture recap with my thirty items:

day 1   -   day 2   -   day 3   -   day 4   -   day 5
day 6   -   day 7   -   day 8   -   day 9   -   day 10
day 11   -   day 12   -   day 13   -   day 14   -   day 15
day 16   -   day 17   -   day 18   -   day 19   -   day 20
day 21   -   day 22   -   day 23   -   day 24   -   day 25
day 26   -   day 27   -   day 28   -   day 29   -   day 30

Thank you for taking the time to follow along the last thirty days. Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve the next time around or just comments in general.

Day 30/30: Light Accents

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I saved my favorite look for last. I know the messy casual look (shirt half tucked) isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I like how it fits with my imperfect self. Ponytail-ed hair, necklace askew, hair scrunchie left on my wrist. These imperfections are me, and now you know what I'm like on days that I should try harder for the camera :)

A full recap of the past month should be up tomorrow!

necklace: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
blouse: LOFT (similar)
belt: Ann Taylor (other colors sold here)
shoes: Nine West (currently sold here)

Day 29/30: One vs. Many

Monday, July 11, 2011

Normally when I go up to the rooftop parking lot to take pictures, there is no one around. Today I went up earlier than usual and was doing my thing, ie: walking, prancing, twirling, whatever you want to call it. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw this minivan back out of its spot. Eek! I quickly seeked shelter in the nearest stairwell and pretended that my timing was a coincidence. Who knew how long that person was sitting in the car before I noticed, possibly staring at me. When there's a crowd, I feel like I can blend in, even if people could be looking my way. When it's just one person? I get all self-conscious. Time to add this to my list of things to work on. Are you a public picture-taker?

shirt: J.Crew (similar)
belt: Express (similar)

Day 28/30: DIY #2

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My second attempt at wearing a scarf as a top (using SewPetiteGal's tutorial) didn't turn out too shabby, but I just realized it's styled exactly the same way as the first. D'oh! I don't know if I'm more proud of another DIY success or incorporating in the scarf ring. It took me long enough, right? Elle's scarf ring was finally worn the way it was intended. I looped the fabric through two of the rings, so the end result looked like a taut link of chains. I can also picture weaving the fabric over and under the rings in some way. I'm still working on this, but feel free to leave suggestions.

scarf ring: Talbots - gift from Elle (similar)
belt: Ann Taylor (other colors sold here)
shorts: American Eagle (this season's version sold here)
bangles: Forever 21 (similar)
clutch: BCBG via Sunshine's giveaway (currently sold here)
shoes: Old Navy (currently sold here)

Day 27/30: Double Layering

Saturday, July 09, 2011

I'm seriously running out of ideas now, so pardon the likeness of today's outfit to this previous one.

What I said about no more new bags unless one goes? Clutches (and giveaway wins) shouldn't count, right? They're really accessories. Ok, you can tell I'm grasping at excuses, especially since I saw the most gorgeous brown embossed envelope clutch from H&M yesterday. It will be mine soon, I hope :)

A big thanks to Sunshine for this BCBG bow clutch in beige/gold! I love her. It's kind of dressy but I'm determined to find ways to wear it casually.

dress as top: Forever 21 (similar - sleeveless)
belt: Forever 21 (similar)
skirt: Forever 21 (may still be in stores; similar)
clutch: BCBG via Sunshine's giveaway (currently sold here)
shoes: Nine West (currently sold here)

Day 26/30: Darkness

Friday, July 08, 2011

I tend to choose photo locations based on the scenery. But what I should be paying attention to is the contrast between my clothing colors and the background. Dark top against a dark background? Not exactly the best idea, but I'm still learning as I go :)

necklace: Ann Taylor (eBay; similar)
ring: H&M (similar)
top: Ann Taylor - gift from Elle (similar - short-sleeves)
belt: Express (similar)
shorts: American Eagle (this season's version sold here)
flats: Mossimo (similar)

Day 25/30: Wishful Thinking

Thursday, July 07, 2011

I wish my lil point-and-shoot could take those cool bokeh images, where the person is crisp and sharp while the background is blurred. I envy others who can achieve this look with their DSLRs. Short of Photoshopping the effect into my images, is there a trick that could possibly work on my type of camera?

sunglasses: Walmart (similar)
necklace: H&M (similar)
jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch (similar)
top: H&M via Elle's giveaway (similar)
sash: Abercrombie & Fitch
flats: Mossimo (similar)

Day 24/30: Belts and Loops

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Belt loops are something I don't normally give a lot of thought to. Most of my bottoms are pretty fitted, so any use of belts are for decorative purposes only. That is, except for this skirt. And as luck would have it, it came sans belt loops. I love the print, so dealing with the belt slippin' and slidin' is just a minor inconvenience I'm willing to put up with. Are belt loops a must for you?

sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
necklace: Forever 21 (similar; similar)
top: ASOS (currently sold here)
belt: Express (similar)
skirt: LOFT
scarf ring as ring: Talbots - gift from Elle (similar)
shoes: Nine West (currently sold here)

Day 23/30: Half-and-Half

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

A long weekend, a short work week, and I'm already looking forward to this coming weekend (no plans, just like how I like it). I know this no-responsibilities lifestyle won't last forever, but for the time being, I'm enjoying it to the fullest. Do you jam-pack your weekends or keep them as free as possible?

top: H&M via Elle's giveaway
belt: J.Crew (similar)
bag: Chanel
flats: Old Navy (currently sold here)

What's In My Bag?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

I'm the guest blogger today over at Blue Paper Lanterns. What's the topic? An inside peek into what I lug around every day. So if you're curious, check it out here.

Day 22/30: Red, White, and Blue

Monday, July 04, 2011

This is as patriotic as I get, with a white top, red belt, and navy blue shorts. Happy Fourth of July to all the Americans out there!

shirt: J.Crew (similar)
top: Gap (similar)
scarf ring as ring: Talbots - gift from Elle (similar)
belt: H&M (may still be in stores)
shorts: American Eagle (this season's version sold here)
flower pin on bag: Old Navy (similar)
flats: Mossimo (similar)

Day 21/30: Not According to Plan

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Today couldn't have started off any worse. My favorite player lost to perhaps the one player I dislike the most :( I then turned to retail therapy to help me forget. The one item at the outlets that did catch my eye was a pink and cream striped sweater from Banana Republic. But in the end, I came home with nothing. Thankfully everyone else found great deals so the trip wasn't a total waste. Did you take advantage of the sales this weekend? Please share to make me feel better :)

necklace: Forever 21 (currently sold here; similar)
belt: Forever 21 (similar)
skirt: Forever 21 (may still be in stores; similar)
shoes: Old Navy (currently sold here)

Day 19/30: The Outdoors

Friday, July 01, 2011

I learned my lesson in choosing the wrong background while jumping unnecessarily in certain outfits. Today's casual and inspired by Madewell outfit suits the woodsy setting, don't you think? So, an action shot of me goofing off and frolicking amongst the trees. Sorry, no blooper reel today!

sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
shirt: J.Crew (similar)
top: Gap (similar)
belt: H&M (may still be sold in stores)
dress as skirt: Ann Taylor (may still be at the outlets; similar; similar - short-sleeves)
flats: Mossimo (similar)
bag: Chanel

*Madewell image courtesy of Madewell

30 for 30 abercrombie abercrombie & fitch accessories adidas adrienne vittadini agnes b alejandro ingelmo alexandre birman ali ro alternative apparel american eagle amrita singh ann taylor anthropologie apple aqua armani exchange articles of society asos award bag balenciaga banana republic barbour bath and body works bcbg bcbgirls beauty bebe bensoni biltmore for madewell blank nyc blog every day bloggers do it better bois du boulogne bp. brian nagourney burberry by malene birger c. wonder c/meo collective canada goose cara accessories carlos by carlos santana carolina bucci cartonnier caslon casual cb2 celebrities celine chanel chantecaille chelsea28 chicwish china glaze chloe christian louboutin citrus clothing clu too club monaco coach coffee shop cole haan collection collection 18 color brigade columbia crate & barrel crewcuts cuyana cynthia rowley david yurman dc deborah lippmann decor delman disney couture diy dogeared dressy dsquared2 ebay elizabeth and james elleme equipment esprit etsy everlane express featured fendi forever 21 frank & eileen free people gap gara danielle gibson giles & brother giveaway gorjana goyard grace gift gucci h&m halogen halogen x atlantic-pacific halston heritage haul hearth & hand heirloom finds hollister how to hue hunter ikea ilnp in real life inspired by iris & ink isabel marant ivanka trump j.crew jennifer chamandi jenny yuen jewelry jimmy choo john hardy jones new york joules julie vos kate spade kristin coffin l'oreal lanvin lanvin x h&m lesportsac levi's loeffler randall loft longchamp look for less looks like summer lord & taylor lou & grey love 21 lucy m.gemi mac macy's madewell maje make make up for ever manolo blahnik marc jacobs mary katrantzou massimo dutti maybelline mercedes-benz merona michael michael kors misc miu miu mlb modcloth mossimo moulinette soeurs msgm mvmt nadri new balance new balance for j.crew nike nina ricci nine west nordstrom north face nyc nyc new york color nyx old navy olivia burton opi oscar de la renta pfc pierrepont hicks piperlime plastic island pleione polene polo prabal gurung at j.crew proenza schouler ralph lauren ramblings raphaella booz reader mail rebecca minkoff red valentino reed wilson design review revlon river island robert rodriguez ross-simons rsvp saint james saint laurent sales sally hansen sam edelman schutz shashi shinhwa shoes shopbop shopping shopstyle simply vera vera wang sinful colors professional soia & kyo sole society sony sorel sorel for j.crew sperry sponsor spotted moth stella mccartney stephanie b strathberry stuart weitzman style file superdry t3 tadashi shoji tagged talbots target the container store the horse the limited theory tips & tricks too faced topshop tory burch tous colors toys travels ugg uniqlo uniqueen unknown valentino veque for j.crew vera bradley via spiga victoria's secret vince vince camuto vineyard vines walmart ways to wear west elm white house black market wishlist work xhilaration xoxo yearly summary ysl zac posen for target zara zella