Saturday, June 30, 2012Reader W recently asked how in the world can I stand wearing long sleeves/pants in the hot & humid DC summer. Truth is, I spend most weekdays inside a freezing office. I then walk about 20 steps to and from my car for commuting. So the longest I'm outside in the heat is actually for blog photos, lol. When weekends hit, most days I don't even care to dress nicely. A tshirt and shorts and I'm out the door. Needless to say, those outfits rarely make it to the blog.
Today's outfit is an exception. I rarely wear sleeveless tops, let alone with shorts/skirts. Looking at the photo below, I knew there's a reason why. Pale arms alert! There's something about the proportions that I'm not used to (typically I'm covered up on top with shorter bottoms or vice versa). Let's see if I can wrap my head around this new mindset for the summer.
Stay cool and have a great weekend!

vest: Forever 21 sleeveless blazer (similar)
top: Ann Taylor asymmetrical drape (similar)
bracelets: Forever 21 rhinestone snake chain (similar);