
Day 18/30: Willpower-less

Thursday, June 30, 2011

So much for my shopping ban :( I had time to kill one evening so I stopped by Forever 21 and walked out with rings and a necklace. The flowers on the necklace remind me of Chanel's camellias. The daintiness of the rings was a nice contrast to the statement rings I already have. Like always, F21's prices were too good to pass up. I knew I should have watched Green Lantern before shopping, not after!

necklaces: Banana Republic (similar); Forever 21 (currently sold here)
dress as top: Forever 21 (similar - sleeveless)
sash: J.Crew (similar)
rings: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
skirt: Gap (similar)
bag: Chanel

Day 16/30: Sandy Shoes

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It was a beautiful day for picture taking along a "beach." Regardless of my better-suited-for-the-office-outfit, I wanted to take a jumping picture. Because sand = soft landing. Or so I thought. Not only did the self-timer not capture my jump, I lost a shoe! It did however, capture the moments after my spectacular fail.

From left -> right: (1) Err... just my luck, camera is still going and I lost a shoe. At least I didn't land on my butt (2) Huh, the shoe is a lot farther than I thought *scratches head*  (3) Uh duh, hop on one foot of course. So what if I'm flashing the world, one step at a time (4) Eww, there's bits of sand inside (5) Ahh well, lesson learned. The camera is still on?!

Do you have tips for a newbie jumper?
sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
tank: Ann Taylor (similar)
shirts: Ann Taylor - gift from Elle (similar - short-sleeves); J.Crew (similar)
belt: H&M (may still be in stores)
skirt: Gap (similar)
flats: Mossimo (similar)

Day 15/30: Best of the Bunch

Monday, June 27, 2011

Usually I have about 5 good pictures to choose from at the end of the day. This is the best of today's :( Which is sad, because the top looks washed out. But hey -- at least there's a change in background scenery :)

necklace: Etsy SewPetiteGal via giveaway (currently sold here)
top: ASOS (currently sold here)
belt: Express (similar)
ring: H&M (similar)
dress as skirt: Ann Taylor (may still be at the outlets; similar; similar - short-sleeves)
shoes: Nine West (currently sold here)

Day 14/30: Short and Sweet

Sunday, June 26, 2011

This scarf is like my favorite child. Not that I would ever pick favorites if I have more than one child... or admit it ;) The print was love at first sight, and I still have not gotten sick of it yet. When in doubt, this is the first item I grab to put on.

Is there a piece you own that you feel this way about?

shirt: J.Crew (similar)
bracelet: disney couture (similar)
belt: Old Navy
shorts: American Eagle (this season's version sold here)
flats: Mossimo (similar)

Day 13/30: Easy Way Out

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I walked down four flights of stairs only to see a sign that says the door is broken. Instead of finding my way back through another door to take pictures outside, I got lazy and propped up my tripod in this semi-dark-and-creepy alley below the staircase. Kind of fitting for an unintentional Halloween-themed outfit?

necklace: Ann Taylor (eBay; similar)
dress as top: Forever 21 (similar - sleeveless)
top (bottom layer): H&M via Elle's giveaway
belt: Express (similar)
skirt: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
bag: Chanel
flats: Mossimo (similar)

Day 12/30: A Walk on the Pier

Friday, June 24, 2011

Every once in awhile, I'd Google map surrounding areas using the satellite view, just cuz I'm a dork with too much time on my hands. To my surprise, I saw this huge body of water near me, topped with a PIER. How very cool! But why did I not know about it until NOW? I'm stoked because the surrounding areas looked quite secluded, so it should be perfect for picture taking. How do you scout out potential photo spots?

sunglasses: Walmart (similar)
scarf: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
scarf ring as ring: Talbots - gift from Elle (similar)
bracelet: disney couture (similar)
top: Ann Taylor (similar)
belts: H&M (may still be in stores); Ann Taylor (other colors sold here)
flats: Old Navy (currently sold here)

Day 11/30: Mixing Metals

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Silver necklace, silver hardware on belt & bag, and... gold ornament on shoes? I think it's safe to say most people are fans of matching hardware, but it doesn't bother me when I mix and match. If it's something big and noticeable, I'd probably be more careful about matching, but otherwise, I feel it's another one of those "old" fashion rules (ie: don't mix browns and blacks) that everyone breaks. What are your thoughts on this?

sash on necklace: J.Crew
necklace: Forever 21 (currently sold here; similar)
tee: H&M (similar)
belt: Express (similar)
jeans: Express (similar)
bag: Chanel

Day 10/30: Lace as Base

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The weather has gotten to me. I had forgotten how hot and humid summers are even if I'm "only" outside when walking to and from the car. This lace dress (worn as a top) is perfect for hot and humid days. The 3/4 sleeve is conservative enough for a casual work environment while the slip underneath allows for breathing room. Now if only I can remain inconspicuous, you bet I'd be wearing this every day for the rest of summer. How do you remain cool in this heat?

necklace: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
dress as top: Forever 21 (similar - sleeveless)
belt: H&M (may still be in stores)
skirt: LOFT
ring: Spotted Moth via Kendi's giveaway (similar)
shoes: Nine West (currently sold here)

Day 9/30: Summer Pastels

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Here's a little secret: I had a hard time rounding out my thirty items for this challenge, so I stuck in a few pieces (Miu Miu flats, ASOS skirt) that haven't been getting much love prior to the challenge. Needless to say, there's a reason why these two have been put on the back burner -- I'm still not done obsessing over newer items. My goal is to wear each item at least twice, so here's to hoping this won't be the only time these two make an appearance!

jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch (similar)
tee: H&M (similar)
belt: Ann Taylor (other colors sold here)
skirt: ASOS (similar)
bag: Balenciaga
flats: Miu Miu (similar)

Day 8/30: Hello Sunrise

Monday, June 20, 2011

In the past week, I've been taking outfit pictures in the mornings as opposed to after work. It's mainly due to weather (I seem to blab about this a lot) and because I've come to love the wonderful "glow" of the morning sunlight in pictures. The only downside is feeling more rushed because getting into work early = leaving early. Is it just me or do you feel like time passes by so much quicker in the mornings? After lunch is usually when I'm contemplating taking a nap. Just kidding.

sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
blouse: LOFT (similar)
skirt: Gap (similar)
rings: H&M (similar); Spotted Moth via Kendi's giveaway (similar)
bag: Chanel
flats: Mossimo (similar)

Day 7/30: Bright Neons

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thank you to everyone who helped me with my tripod dilemma. I'm happy to say that I went with the Vista Explorer from Amazon. It took about 15 minutes to learn all the ins and outs... but days before I finally took it out for a spin (notice the change of scenery today?) I have a feeling I'll be reverting back to my lazy ways of using ledges to prop up the camera though, especially during work days :D

sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
necklace: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
top: ASOS (currently sold here)
sashes: Anthropologie; J.Crew
skirt: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
rings: H&M (similar); Spotted Moth via Kendi's giveaway (similar)
shoes: Nine West (currently sold here)

Day 6/30: Boots Gone Wrong

Saturday, June 18, 2011

More photos with a semi-revealed face? Yup :) I did debate whether or not to include the second photo for the longest time. The outfit took a nosedive when I put on socks + boots. Don't know what I was thinking. Sigh. Chalk this one up to another learning experience where an outfit looked much better in my head :) But I do like the first image!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

sunglasses: Walmart (similar)
top: Gap (similar)
necklace: Forever 21 (currently sold here; similar)
ring: Spotted Moth via Kendi's giveaway (similar)
belt: Old Navy (similar)
shorts: American Eagle (this season's version sold here)
socks: J.Crew (similar)

PFC #8: Spinning the Favorite (+Day 5/30)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hosted by Gracie @ Radiator Sessions, Petite Fashion Challenge #8: Spinning the Favorite has us venturing out of our comfort zones to expand our styling skills. We are to take a “go-to” outfit, put a spin on it by styling it in a different way but still keeping a couple of essential components.

My go-to outfit (sweats and a tshirt doesn't count, right?) usually consists of a button-up, accessories, and flats. This suits my simple, laid-back, and preppy style.
belts: H&M (may still be in stores); Forever 21 (similar)
ring: H&M (similar)
flats: Miu Miu (similar)

What I have a hard time doing is dressing up. So for this challenge, I channeled my inner glamourazon with a slight vintage* feel. I kept the same dress but mixed up the accessories. Yes to over-sized sunglasses, up-do (hard to tell, but I swear I put effort into it!), red lips (I cheated in Photoshop though :( because I couldn't find my lip gloss), and high heels. Is this too much? Too little? Just right? Kudos to all you girls who take the time every morning to do your hair and makeup; I am at the top of the list for laziest bloggers :D

*I ran the photo through some Photoshop filters, so the colors are slightly off
bracelets: Forever 21 (similar)
sash: J.Crew
bag: Chanel

Day 4/30: Polka DotDotDot

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A big, huge, gigantic thanks to the lovely Ms. Elle for practically giving this blouse away for free. I've now satisfied my polka dots craving :) On second thought, I should just dedicate this post to her, because along with the blouse, she also gifted me the scarf ring and the top (that you can't really see, but prevents the blouse from being see-through). So, THANK YOU THANK YOU, ELLE!

necklaces: Merona; Etsy SewPetiteGal via giveaway (currently sold here)
top: Ann Taylor - gift from Elle (similar - short-sleeves)
sash: J.Crew (similar)
jeans: Express (similar)
scarf ring as ring: Talbots - gift from Elle (similar)
bag: Chanel
shoes: Ann Taylor (currently sold here)

Day 3/30: Hot Pink-ity

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm wearing a few new items today. An ASOS top with beautiful draping, which I first saw on Tiffany @ I am Style-ish and fell instantly in love with. The only downside? It came with shoulder pads. When worn, I resembled and felt like a puny quarterback, so they were quickly cut off. No before pictures because I forgot, but the after felt and looked much better.

The pink and gold ring I'm wearing is actually a scarf ring courtesy of Elle (thank you so much for indulging me in my love of scarves!) But... instead of using the scarf ring looped through a scarf, I went and wore it as a ring, lol. I thought the three intertwined pieces looked super cute when worn on the hand a la Cartier Trinity ring, yeah? They're a bit clunky, but stacking a regular ring on the outside prevented any slippage. Or, instead of my brute force method, see Jean's post on other helpful ways of wearing a too-big ring.

scarf ring as ring: Talbots - gift from Elle (similar)
necklace: Banana Republic (similar)
flower pins: LOFT, Old Navy (similar)
top: ASOS (currently sold here)
belt: Old Navy (similar)
shoes: Old Navy (currently sold here)

Day 2/30: Classics

Monday, June 13, 2011

To me, nothing screams classic more than wearing black and pearls. It's a tried and true timeless combo -- one that I like to wear on my "fat" days every month for that slimming effect, lol. Taking cues from Khatu's PFC #7, I paired a black top with a black skirt for a faux-LBD look. I would've kept the overall look simple with one strand of pearls, but that isn't a piece of jewelry I own... so on goes the multi-strand pile. What items do you turn to for a classic look?

necklace: J.Crew (similar)
cardigan: Old Navy (similar)
top: H&M - gift from Elle
belt: J.Crew (similar)

Day 1/30: Neon + Neutrals

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ok, so I'm a day early with the spring edition of 30x30, but I'm kicking off this round by doubling up with the next Bloggers Do it Better challenge. Yay for killing two birds with one stone :)

Today's preppy casual look is definitely me. Tee, scarf, and FLIP FLOPS --- not a fashion faux-pas in my book ;) I get funny looks sometimes when wearing a scarf in hot weather. It almost makes me want to wear a sign, "for decorative purposes only," but I'm sure that will just garner even more puzzled looks.

tee: H&M (similar)
belt: Old Navy (similar)
skirt: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
flats: Old Navy (currently sold here)

Thirty Items for 30x30 (Summer 2011 Edition)

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's time for another round of Kendi's 30 for 30! After the last round, I wasn't sure if I would participate again... and definitely not so soon. But I've acquired some new pieces recently, and figured it's time to buckle down and mix the heck out of those items.

I am using some of the same items from the winter round (a lot of the same tops actually, lol), but I've added heels to the list as well as bright colored items. Crossing my fingers that I won't have too much trouble for the next month :)

9 tops:

1) ASOS Wrapped Front Ruched Sleeve Blouse (currently sold here)
3) LOFT tie neck drapey blouse (similar)
4) crewcuts boys' popsicle gingham shirt (this season's version sold here)
5) Ann Taylor Cascading Ruffle Blouse - gift from Elle (similar - short-sleeves)
6) Gap striped cowlneck T (similar)
7) H&M basic jersey tee (similar)
8) H&M top with lace sleeves - gift from Elle
9) Ann Taylor sequin front tank (similar)

2 sweaters, 1 jacket:

2 pairs of pants:
13) Express flare jeans (similar)
15) LOFT Julie linen trousers (other colors currently sold here)

5 skirts, 2 pairs of shorts:
15) Forever 21 scalloped linen blend skirt (currently sold here)
19) ASOS spot tulip skirt (similar)
20) American Eagle washed classic shorts (this season's version sold here)
21) American Eagle washed favorite short (this season's version sold here)

2 dresses:
23) Forever 21 Chantilly lace dress (similar - sleeveless)

7 pairs of shoes:
26) Nine West Smooch wedges (currently sold here)
28) Mossimo Desta ballet flats (similar)
29) Old Navy faux-leather thong sandals (currently sold here)

Then and Now

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Bf and I took a trip to Charlottesville recently, home of our alma mater (go Hoos!) It was a reach school for me, a safety school for him, but once we stepped foot onto the Grounds, it was inevitable that we would meet. School was where we became friends, started dating, and spent the best four years of our lives. Sappy much? :) Whenever we return to visit, we make a point to stop by our old stomping grounds, to simply marvel at the changes over the years, but also to reminisce about the good times. Just to name a few, must-see places include our old dorms, the Corner, and the picturesque lawn that Thomas Jefferson designed.

While we hardly took the time to seek out new local food spots back then, we make a point to do so now. What was wrong with us in college, you wonder? We both enjoyed dining hall food. And still miss it sometimes, hahaha. It's too bad they're closed over the summer, or we would've definitely made a stop :) So instead, on our must-eat itinerary was Bodo's (best everything bagels ever), La Michoacana Deli (I'm still sad we missed tacos by 20 minutes!), Marco & Luca (mmm dumplings and sweet & spicy noodles), and The Flat (light and doughy, salty and sweet crepes).

Good day, good times. I miss Cville already.

What do you miss the most about your alma mater?

Picture overload ahead. Mouse over photos for descriptions.

necklace: Forever 21 (currently sold here; similar)
top: J.Crew (similar)
skirt: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
bag: agnes b - gift from cousin
flats: Old Navy (currently sold here)

Boho, Hobo

Sunday, June 05, 2011

The boho look, or as some people call it, the hobo look (lol) is one that I'm not too familiar with. When asked, I envision a mixture of lace, crochet, embroidery, ruffles, with loads of accessories. The color palette is mainly earth-tones with splashes of bright colors. This is perhaps too safe and cliché, but when stepping out of my comfort zone, I don't want to stick out too much until I'm comfortable.

There were a couple items in my closet that I could have used as the base layer (Ann Taylor crochet dress vs J.Crew ruffle dress), but ultimately I went with the more casual J.Crew dress. This dress is lightweight and a bit sheer, which made it perfect for adding multiple layers (because you know, when I start layering, I don't know when to stop). An embroidered top, cardigan, necklaces, belts, bracelets, rings, and boots rounded out my outfit.

Are there certain pieces you deem a "must" for boho looks?

dress: J.Crew (similar)
top: Abercrombie & Fitch (similar)
belts: H&M (may still be in stores); Forever 21 (similar)
necklaces: Forever 21 (similar); Banana Republic (similar)
bracelets: Forever 21 (similar); unknown
boots: Old Navy

Pink on Gray, Gray on Pink

Thursday, June 02, 2011

How many blue shirts does a girl need? Apparently, I need three. A blue v-neck dress shirt, blue oxford shirt, and now a blue chambray shirt. This J.Crew Boy Shirt in Indian Voile in indigo, size 0 is lightweight, a bit sheer, and oh-so-comfortable. The fabric reminds me of linen. It's big and loose on me, but I plan on wearing it casually, so it'll do the job. Note: this top is not meant to be worn on hot, humid, and sweaty days. Yuck. Boy, did I learn my lesson.

The necklace I have on is from SewPetiteGal's guessing-the-baby-gender giveaway (congrats SPG on your girl bundle of joy!) I'm a huge fan of pearls, and like blue shirts, I can't seem to get enough of them :) The necklace closely resembles the Merona gray on black necklace I already own, but is longer, so it definitley has more accessorizing potential. When worn, I like how the ends of the ribbon hang down the back. I can also see it worn draped across the front.

Remember how I couldn't figure out how to tie a tie? No problemo when tied as a belt. I rather like this look myself, so raiding bf's closet may become the norm. Tie: 1, Cee: 1. HA!

necklace: Etsy SewPetiteGal via giveaway (currently sold here)
sunglasses: Old Navy (currently sold here)
shirt: J.Crew (similar)
tie as belt: Express (bf's - similar)
skirt: ASOS (similar)
ring: Amrita Singh (currently sold here)
flats: Miu Miu (similar)
bag: Longchamp (currently sold here)

30 for 30 abercrombie abercrombie & fitch accessories adidas adrienne vittadini agnes b alejandro ingelmo alexandre birman ali ro alternative apparel american eagle amrita singh ann taylor anthropologie apple aqua armani exchange articles of society asos award bag balenciaga banana republic barbour bath and body works bcbg bcbgirls beauty bebe bensoni biltmore for madewell blank nyc blog every day bloggers do it better bois du boulogne bp. brian nagourney burberry by malene birger c. wonder c/meo collective canada goose cara accessories carlos by carlos santana carolina bucci cartonnier caslon casual cb2 celebrities celine chanel chantecaille chelsea28 chicwish china glaze chloe christian louboutin citrus clothing clu too club monaco coach coffee shop cole haan collection collection 18 color brigade columbia crate & barrel crewcuts cuyana cynthia rowley david yurman dc deborah lippmann decor delman disney couture diy dogeared dressy dsquared2 ebay elizabeth and james elleme equipment esprit etsy everlane express featured fendi forever 21 frank & eileen free people gap gara danielle gibson giles & brother giveaway gorjana goyard grace gift gucci h&m halogen halogen x atlantic-pacific halston heritage haul hearth & hand heirloom finds hollister how to hue hunter ikea ilnp in real life inspired by iris & ink isabel marant ivanka trump j.crew jennifer chamandi jenny yuen jewelry jimmy choo john hardy jones new york joules julie vos kate spade kristin coffin l'oreal lanvin lanvin x h&m lesportsac levi's loeffler randall loft longchamp look for less looks like summer lord & taylor lou & grey love 21 lucy m.gemi mac macy's madewell maje make make up for ever manolo blahnik marc jacobs mary katrantzou massimo dutti maybelline mercedes-benz merona michael michael kors misc miu miu mlb modcloth mossimo moulinette soeurs msgm mvmt nadri new balance new balance for j.crew nike nina ricci nine west nordstrom north face nyc nyc new york color nyx old navy olivia burton opi oscar de la renta pfc pierrepont hicks piperlime plastic island pleione polene polo prabal gurung at j.crew proenza schouler ralph lauren ramblings raphaella booz reader mail rebecca minkoff red valentino reed wilson design review revlon river island robert rodriguez ross-simons rsvp saint james saint laurent sales sally hansen sam edelman schutz shashi shinhwa shoes shopbop shopping shopstyle simply vera vera wang sinful colors professional soia & kyo sole society sony sorel sorel for j.crew sperry sponsor spotted moth stella mccartney stephanie b strathberry stuart weitzman style file superdry t3 tadashi shoji tagged talbots target the container store the horse the limited theory tips & tricks too faced topshop tory burch tous colors toys travels ugg uniqlo uniqueen unknown valentino veque for j.crew vera bradley via spiga victoria's secret vince vince camuto vineyard vines walmart ways to wear west elm white house black market wishlist work xhilaration xoxo yearly summary ysl zac posen for target zara zella