
Reader request: tying scarves and sashes

Friday, December 31, 2010

Reader Hailey emailed me:

I just wanted to let you know that I LOVEEE the way you layer. I especially loveee the way you tie scarves in different ways. I have been all over the internet trying to figure out how to tie scarves in different ways besides the basic 3-4 ways. I would love it if you could do a small youtube vid or post pictures with instructions? Also I got this super cute J. Crew sash scarf/belt and I have been trying to figure out how to tie it because one side is smaller than the other side and it looks really awkward the ways I have tried to tie it. Maybe you could do something with that also?
Thanks for your kind words, Hailey :) Though, I bet the 3-4 ways you tie scarves are the exact same ways I tie my scarves, lol. I've been trying to find more ways to tie them too (suggestions welcome), but I'll share 3 ways that I've tied scarves on this blog. This is my first time doing videos, so it's quite amateur-ish. There's no sound because I was too busy making sure I was doing everything right and forgot to talk.

Look #1: For the most part, this is my go-to look. This is probably the most common way to tie scarves. At the end, I like to "fluff" out the top part of the scarf a bit just so it doesn't look as neat. Worn here, here, here, and here.

Look #2: There's the option of belting at the end so the ends don't fly around, but that's a personal preference. I tend to only do that with thinner scarves. Worn here and here.

Look #3: I like to wear this look under jackets because I don't like to have the ends peeking out underneath my coats. With this look, there's the option of tucking one end underneath the bottom loop and the other underneath the top loop (which is the way I showed in the video), or you could tuck both ends underneath the bottom loop only or both underneath the top loop only. Whew, that was a mouthful. Hopefully the video made that clear. Worn here.

I just so happen to own the J.Crew silk bouquet sash that Hailey mentioned, so here's a video of how I would tie it, whether it be worn around the waist or hips. If your flowers are of varying sizes, I would probably tie the bow on the "smaller" side, just to even things out a bit. Once you've tied the bow, you can stop there and let the ends hang, or you can loop the ends around until they're shortened. And finally, adjust the two layers of sash that you looped around your waist/hips, so one is behind the other.

And for Elle (way overdue!), this is how I tie my J.Crew Glimmer sash. Definitely not so neat and can you see how I just wing it as I go? Hence all the hesitations, lol.

I hope this was somewhat helpful! Every time I tie scarves/sashes, it never looks the same. Think of is as an art --- one that's ok if it's not perfect :) Let me know if you have questions!

Have a great last day of 2010 and see you in 2011!

Ann Taylor Perfect Patent Pump

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I recently bought these Ann Taylor Perfect Patent Pump in black, size 6 (currently sold here). Thank you Jean @ Extra Petite and Cari @ Sisters Sincere for the suggestion! I'm now the proud owner of non-witchy black pumps.

Right out of the box, I was impressed with how shiny these pumps looked. I could see my own reflection! These pumps looked and felt more expensive than they actually were. I'd recommend them as a great Christian Louboutin Simple pumps look for less with their almond-toe and straight heel.

Many reviews suggested ordering a half-size smaller than your usual size, but I stuck with my normal US size 6 (never in my life have I ever worn size 5.5 shoes!) The fit was perfect, so I conclude that I must have normal-to-wide feet. The footpad had plenty of padding and is as comfortable as 3" heels can be. After paying around $100 for these pumps, I felt gypped for all my other shoes at this price point, lol. For the quality and comfort-level, I could see myself buying other pairs... that is, if I ever switch to a job that requires dressing up :)

Today's outfit is inspired by Kim Kardashian -- the girl simply never looks bad. I can't get enough of wearing this dress as a top ;) I've paired it with practically every skirt in my possession and not once have I worn it out as a dress lol. I love the color combo of Kim's outfit, but alas I had to make do with what I have. Hey, at least her top kinda matches my tights!
dress as top: LOVE 21
blazer: theory
skirt: Gap
tights: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
bag: Chanel

*Kim Kardashian image courtesy of The Look 4 Less

[Belated] holiday cheers

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend. Happy belated holidays! (Just realized I never wished everyone in the last post -_-). I didn't do a whole lot besides spend quality time with family and friends. Some friends are only back in town during the holiday season, so this time of year is always super busy for me (by my introvert standards anyway lol). Sometimes emails and GChat just don't cut it :)

Boyfriend and I decided not to exchange presents this year. Ok, truthfully we haven't been exchanging presents for any occasion for years lol. He says I'm too hard to shop for and I buy everything I want... almost immediately. What an odd relationship we must have, right? It works for us, plus he spoils me in his thoughtfulness daily, so I can't complain :) What did you give and receive this holiday season?

scarf: Merona
jacket: American Eagle
belt: Express
jeans: LOFT
boots: Old Navy (currently sold here)
bag: agnes b - gift from cousin

Haul: American Eagle, LOFT and Express tops + jacket

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I picked up this American Eagle Shawl Collar Waffle Cardigan in military green, size XS (currently on sale here). I have way too much gray and white tops, so I decided on green, one of many colors that's lacking in my closet. I liked the soft feel (not itchy) and the longer length. For some reason, the shawl collar kind of remind me of bookish professors, haha. But it has a more casual-vibe, which I liked. I'm not so sure on fit though -- does it look too tight on me? The shoulders seem sort of narrow, so I'm thinking I probably need to go a size up.

Next, I bought this LOFT Rosette Halter Cami in strawberry red, size XS P. I love the vibrant hot pink/fuchsia color and the detailing down front. The fit is pretty good, doesn't feel big at all. I remember trying on size XXS P and had a hard time getting the top over my head (no zippers). Although that might have fit me better, this size was easier to get in and out of. I think this one's a keeper! The label says it's 100% polyester and machine washable, but I wonder if that will possibly ruin the ruffles and rosette?

On to the next store. I bought up this Express Rosettes Scoop-Neck Tank in dusty plum, size XS (currently sold here). The fit looks to be about the same as the LOFT rosette halter cami above, but it feels looser. I think it's the lack of skin coverage. I would feel more comfortable in a size XXS, so this one is going back to the store.

And the last item is this Express (Minus the) Leather Moto Jacket in dusty pink, size XS (currently sold here). I haven't been looking for a motorcycle-like jacket, but wouldn't it be wonderful if my Balenciaga had a friend? =P When I saw it on Really Petite, SewPetiteGal and also on Kileen, I thought I might have found the perfect one. I loved the color in person and online, but the fit looks so awkward on me! I know it's supposed to have a shorter fit, but does it look extra short on me? I never thought of myself as having a long torso, but I must've been in denial all these years, haha. The leather is so wonderfully soft and smooshy. Can't tell it's fake leather at all besides the squeaks when I move. Is that normal for fake leather? Should I return or simply wear longer layers underneath?

Learning experience

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm still new at this necklace layered over a top look. But I'd say this is a better attempt than the previous? Call me old-schooled, but before blogging I've only worn necklaces on bare skin. Once discovered, it's like Aladdin opening his cave -- so many possibilities to play with! What's a style you've recently come across and have begun to try out?

sweater, jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch
belt: Old Navy

On a different note, I want to thank the lovely Kristen @ Honestly, Kristen for my first blogger award :) We recently discovered each others' blogs and I love her timeless, classic look.

Now to pass this along to three bloggers who I get so much inspiration from. They might not read my blog but I read theirs religiously!

Leena @ The Classy Confidante - She makes me venture out of my comfort zone. What may seem trendy, she wears it beautifully, as if she started the look.

Khatu @ i am Khatu - I can't get enough of her style. Every time she wears a new outfit, I want to run to my closet to see if I can recreate the same look, lol. Her PFC outfits are always amongst my favorites.

SewPetiteGal - She is so talented, not only in creating garments, but jewelry as well. Not to mention, we share a love of bags :) (Thanks for tagging me, too! I had already decided to tag you so technically this isn't cheating :P)

crewcuts boys' popsicle gingham shirt

Friday, December 17, 2010

I wouldn't consider myself easily influenced in real life, but online is a whole 'nother story. I can't begin to count the number of times when I see a blogger wearing a certain item and it makes me want to have it too! Or it may be the way they styled an outfit that just looks uber cool. Chalk up plaid/gingham shirts under this category.

I tried on this J.Crew gingham shirt but just couldn't justify the price. After seeing Elle @ Fast Food & Fast Fashion successfully shop at crewcuts, I decided to give this crewcuts boys' popsicle gingham shirt in shore purple, size 14 (currently sold here) a shot. Not surprisingly, size 14 is big on me. The fit across the shoulders were fine and the sleeve length was perfect (would actually have preferred it being a little longer, but I'm weird like that). Overall, it was more boxier than long, which I guess is how boys are built. The back view (below right) puts the front view (below left) to shame, and that's not saying much lol. I think size 12 would have fit better, but it wasn't available at the time. Since it's 100% cotton, there's a chance it would shrink in the wash. Crossing my fingers for a miracle!

I loved the online color, but in person the color is much brighter. Eek! Trying on a new style is already scary enough, but coupled with a bright color? Could I really pull this off? Sydney @ The Daybook was the inspiration for today's outfit. She pulls off necklaces layered on top of collared shirts better than anyone I've seen.

What do you think of today's outfit, a hit or a miss? Any tips on improvement? I think wearing the shirt underneath a sweater helps hide the boxy fit. Perhaps next time I wouldn't wear so much black -- the shirt and boots really stand out, and I don't know if that's a good thing.
cardigan: Old Navy (other colors currently sold here)

First snow

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The forecast today predicted 0.5-1" of snow. By the time I got off work, there was easily 4" on the ground! Wahh! Ever since the blizzards of 2010, I've had enough snow to last my lifetime lol. Nevertheless I was prepared with my gigantic car snow shovel (thanks Dad!) and my ski jacket from middle school. Yep, my mom bought me a size L thinking I'll grow into it. To this day it still looks huge on me, but it keeps me warm and is waterproof.

The snow was fluffy but heavy, so even my puny arms had a work out, haha. I tackled my car in 10 mins, then went off to help the others around me with their itty bitty shovels. I swear, this shovel is the best investment ever!

jacket: Columbia
gloves: Old Navy
sweater: Forever 21
belt: Old Navy
jeans: Hollister
drive home from work
view from my building

Amrita Singh Nello necklace

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It seems like I'm always late to the party because I've been wanting a turquoise or coral necklace for awhile now -- and summer's over! When I saw this Amrita Singh Nello necklace in coral haze (currently sold here) at an ok price on eBay, I decided to go for it. The stones aren't overwhelming, but still adds wonderful color to any outfit. While I would have preferred a lobster clasp, this necklace uses a toggle clasp for closure. It seems sturdy enough and I had no problems throughout the day. One annoyance I have is the bottom 3 stones would sometimes flip inside out. It's no biggie to adjust (when I realize this is happening), but may have been caused by the necklace getting caught at the top of my shirt. All in all, I'm happy to have bought this necklace and can see myself wearing it year-round. What piece of jewelry is on your wishlist this holiday season?

tank: Old Navy (currently sold here)
belt: Express
jeans: LOFT
bag: agnes b - gift from cousin


Sunday, December 12, 2010

When I was at the mall browsing the racks at LOFT today, I heard someone say, "Ma'am?" I look up and it was a sales associate who excitedly proclaimed, "I LOVE the your tights! The color is fabulous!" Surprised and shocked, it took me a sec to recover and say "thank you, I got it at Forever 21." She was astonished to hear this but probably happy to know it won't cost much to buy one too. I walked out the store with the biggest smile on my face. Compliments from strangers totally make my day. What compliment have you received lately?

scarf: Old Navy
necklace: J.Crew
jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch
shirt: Hollister
belt: Old Navy
tights: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
flats: Miu Miu (similar)


Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm lucky enough to work in a casual environment. Pretty much anything goes, except for shorts. On occasion I would even wear this ragged-y hoodie sweatshirt that I've had since forever... and still blend in with my coworkers lol.

When I saw this Forever 21 Modern Oblong Cardigan in grey, size S I figured it's time for a more "fashionable" sweatshirt, if there is such a thing. I wasn't sure how it would look on my frame since it already looks kinda big on the model. Once I tried it on though, I immediately loved it! It's not made of super thick sweatshirt material, so I hope it holds up in the wash. The back hung too low on me and was not really flattering, so I solved this problem by tucking in part of the hem into my jeans. I think it looks much better this way. The rest of the outfit was kept casual, or as my boyfriend likes to call it, my soulja girl look, in reference to wearing Uggs under jeans.

tee: Old Navy
belt: Abercrombie & Fitch
jeans: Express
boots: Ugg (currently sold here)

Schoolgirl prep

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Instead of toting a Balenciaga City, don't you think this Proenza Schouler PS1 would complete today's outfit? The book-bag style is casual but so me. Plus that raspberry red is absolutely divine, the best red I've ever seen on a bag (and I'm not really a red girl!). I really should not buy any more bags, but perhaps one day... =)

blazer: theory
polo: Abercrombie & Fitch
belt: Old Navy

*Proenza Schouler images courtesy of bagcraze

Strike a pose

Monday, December 06, 2010

I always thought models had it soo easy, just look pretty and the photographer will do all the work. Boy, am I wrong. Ever since I started blogging, I find myself falling back to one pose: crossing my legs with one hand on my hips. From this, I also have the variation of 1) turning 45 degrees to the camera or 2) standing on tippy-toes. That's about the extent of my modeling repertoire lol. I thought I'd try something different today since I'm wearing a dress. Umm... this is the best picture of the bunch! I should've just stuck to what I know best ;) Do you have a signature pose?

sash as necklace: J.Crew
necklace: Banana Republic
dress: Plastic Island
tights: Forever 21 (currently sold here)
shoes: Mossimo

Petite Fashion Challenge #4: Holiday Party

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Hosted by Curls And Pearls, Petite Fashion Challenge #4: Holiday Party has us creating a holiday party look using festive colors without looking like a greeting card.

When I think of the holidays, I picture dressing in jewel-tones. Sparkling greens, vibrant reds, shiny metallics come to mind. I picked out accessories from these colors and created an outfit that would be appropriate for my company's holiday party.

The dress is an old one I dug out and I think the shiny material fits the holiday mood, even if it's a darker color. As for the shoes, the only metallic pair I own are strappy sandals, so they'll have to do even though we are in the middle of winter :) How would you accessorize this dress? Should I have added some sparkly bracelets? My arms do seem sort of bare.
scarf: Merona
dress: BCBG

30 for 30 abercrombie abercrombie & fitch accessories adidas adrienne vittadini agnes b alejandro ingelmo alexandre birman ali ro alternative apparel american eagle amrita singh ann taylor anthropologie apple aqua armani exchange articles of society asos award bag balenciaga banana republic barbour bath and body works bcbg bcbgirls beauty bebe bensoni biltmore for madewell blank nyc blog every day bloggers do it better bois du boulogne bp. brian nagourney burberry by malene birger c. wonder c/meo collective canada goose cara accessories carlos by carlos santana carolina bucci cartonnier caslon casual cb2 celebrities celine chanel chantecaille chelsea28 chicwish china glaze chloe christian louboutin citrus clothing clu too club monaco coach coffee shop cole haan collection collection 18 color brigade columbia crate & barrel crewcuts cuyana cynthia rowley david yurman dc deborah lippmann decor delman disney couture diy dogeared dressy dsquared2 ebay elizabeth and james elleme equipment esprit etsy everlane express featured fendi forever 21 frank & eileen free people gap gara danielle gibson giles & brother giveaway gorjana goyard grace gift gucci h&m halogen halogen x atlantic-pacific halston heritage haul hearth & hand heirloom finds hollister how to hue hunter ikea ilnp in real life inspired by iris & ink isabel marant ivanka trump j.crew jennifer chamandi jenny yuen jewelry jimmy choo john hardy jones new york joules julie vos kate spade kristin coffin l'oreal lanvin lanvin x h&m lesportsac levi's loeffler randall loft longchamp look for less looks like summer lord & taylor lou & grey love 21 lucy m.gemi mac macy's madewell maje make make up for ever manolo blahnik marc jacobs mary katrantzou massimo dutti maybelline mercedes-benz merona michael michael kors misc miu miu mlb modcloth mossimo moulinette soeurs msgm mvmt nadri new balance new balance for j.crew nike nina ricci nine west nordstrom north face nyc nyc new york color nyx old navy olivia burton opi oscar de la renta pfc pierrepont hicks piperlime plastic island pleione polene polo prabal gurung at j.crew proenza schouler ralph lauren ramblings raphaella booz reader mail rebecca minkoff red valentino reed wilson design review revlon river island robert rodriguez ross-simons rsvp saint james saint laurent sales sally hansen sam edelman schutz shashi shinhwa shoes shopbop shopping shopstyle simply vera vera wang sinful colors professional soia & kyo sole society sony sorel sorel for j.crew sperry sponsor spotted moth stella mccartney stephanie b strathberry stuart weitzman style file superdry t3 tadashi shoji tagged talbots target the container store the horse the limited theory tips & tricks too faced topshop tory burch tous colors toys travels ugg uniqlo uniqueen unknown valentino veque for j.crew vera bradley via spiga victoria's secret vince vince camuto vineyard vines walmart ways to wear west elm white house black market wishlist work xhilaration xoxo yearly summary ysl zac posen for target zara zella