
30 for 30: Result of restlessness

Monday, February 28, 2011

I used to dabble in freelance graphic and web design, until life became too hectic about a year ago. When things slowly got back to normal, I felt myself becoming more and more restless. I didn't realize at the time, but the hours I spent Photoshopping and coding was the outlet for my creative energy. That's one of the reasons I started blogging, so I have layouts to play with, without the demands of a timeline and customer requirements. Everything is on my watch and how I like it. I guess you could say I felt this restlessness again this past weekend, so here is another layout, in only less than two months :) How do you channel your creative energy?

necklace: Cara Accessories
cardigan: Old Navy
belt: Forever 21
jeans: LOFT

30 for 30: Fit to be tied

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Yet another post where I experiment with this scarf (see previous looks). I initially wanted to save this look to wear with a dress because it feels dressier and more mature to me. But I thought a scarf tied this way shows off the top's lacy sleeves perfectly. What do you think, works for my age (20s) or save it for another 10+ years down the road?

top: H&M - gift from Elle
pants: Express
bag: Chanel

30 for 30: What a pair

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I've noticed that whenever I wear these bright blue tights, I always pair them with the same shoes. This goes against my shopping philosophy -- only buy items that I'm able to style in three different ways. D'oh! I think I was blinded by the brightness and couldn't think clearly. Yes, that's what I'll continue to tell myself. Are there any items that you're always constantly pairing together?

jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch
shirt: American Eagle
sash: J.Crew
necklace as sash: J.Crew
tights: Forever 21
flats: Miu Miu (similar)

30 for 30: Mismatch

Friday, February 25, 2011

Blogs need a dislike button, because this outfit warrants it. Even with seven more outfits to go, I know this will be my least favorite. But since I wore it, up on the web it goes. In hindsight, there is just too much going on. Casual mixed in with sparkly mixed in with rainboots?! To my defense, it was raining today, so the boots were needed. I'd probably let the sash go for a simpler look. How do you think I can improve?

necklace: Cara Accessories
tee: H&M
sash: J.Crew
pants: LOFT

30 for 30: Won't you be my neighbor?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Whenever I put on this gray v-neck cardigan, I giggle. Because it reminds me of Mister Rogers. Not in the color, but how he wears it as a v-neck with the tie peeking out. Darn, I forgot to wear my sash, tied like a tie today.

necklace: J.Crew
belt: J.Crew
tights: Forever 21
flats: Mossimo
bag: Chanel

30 for 30: Inspirations

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I fell in love with this J.Crew mannequin's outfit the minute I saw it. It's (he? she?) actually wearing a skirt, but I felt my shimmy dress was perfect for this recreation. Same romantic-type tiered ruffles *dreamy sigh* I didn't feel like wearing a scarf (yes it happens), so I swapped it out for a necklace instead.

As for the photo below, I have no freaking clue what I'm doing -- perhaps practicing my non-existent dancing skills a la Carlton?!
blazer: theory
shirt: American Eagle
dress: J.Crew
necklace: H&M
belt: Express
tights: Forever 21
flats: Mossimo

*J.Crew mannequin photo courtesy of WhitleyGilbert from The Purse Forum

30 for 30: Wingin' it

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

For the most part during this 30 for 30, I've been planning my outfits in advance. There are some nights where I'm just swamped though (nope, can't give up watching TV live! Online just isn't the same). So on those mornings when I have no outfits planned, I seriously stand in front of the closet for what feels like an eternity... trying to wake up my sleep-deprived mind by dreaming about how delicious a McDonald's caramel frappe tastes... and hope I pull out items that don't clash. I'd then mix in some tried-and-true accessories and voila, the morning has officially started. Today is one of those days.

Do you plan ahead or are you a wing-it-as-you-go kind of gal?

scarf: American Eagle
sweater: Forever 21
tee: H&M
pants: LOFT
flats: Miu Miu (similar)

30 for 30: Silver lining

Monday, February 21, 2011

Me: You get a day off on Mon. I don't.
Boyfriend: Woohoo!
Me: *evil glare* At least I'll have a nice commute.
Boyfriend: *shakes head* Only you would look forward to something like that.

The silver lining of having to work on a federal holiday is my wonderful commute. A typical one-way for me is 45 minutes. On a bad day, easily an hour. Today, it took me 30 minutes!! Can you feel my excitement?! Too bad the euphoria disappeared soon after I arrived at work, lol. What's your normal commute like?

scarf: eBay (seller's store; ASOS is selling one that looks identical to me)
cardigan: Old Navy (currently sold here)
shirt: American Eagle
belt: J.Crew
skirt: J.Crew (currently sold here)
tights: Forever 21
flats: Mossimo
bag: Balenciaga

30 for 30: Home sweet home

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My parents recently came back from their trip abroad, so I couldn't wait to go home. Why you ask? Because I miss my mom's cooking. Shhhh don't tell her I said that or I'll never hear the end of it :) There's nothing quite like a bowl of home-cooked, steaming hot noodle soup. Not to mention, they brought back pineapple cakes. Mmm I wonder how long that's going to last.

top: H&M - gift from Elle
dress: Plastic Island
tights: Forever 21
bag: Chanel
flats: Miu Miu (similar)

30 for 30: Oh glorious day

Friday, February 18, 2011

As luck would have it, I chose the perfect day to take off from work... because I can't get enough of this 70 degree weather!! No bragging about how this is the norm from west coasters, ok? :) You betcha I spent most of the day outside, soaking up the sun and getting my tan on. I'm already dark enough, but with this weather, who wants to spend it indoors?! Perhaps Punxsutawney Phil is right after all, spring can't come soon enough!

top: Gap
belt: Old Navy
flats: Miu Miu (similar)

30 for 30: Times they are a-changing

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm sad to hear that Borders filed for bankruptcy yesterday. Boyfriend and I used to go there all the time on our dates. There's not a whole lot of free things to do for two broke (and nerdy) college kids home for summer break. Their situation reminds me of Tower Records from the 90s, where they couldn't keep up with changes in technology. Does anyone remember that store? (I hope I'm not showing my age). It used to be one of our favorite hang out spots back in high school for my friends and me. I still remember walking by years later only to see another store in its place. Ahh, talk about nostalgia. Is there a store that you miss because they are no longer in business?

top: LOFT
belt: J.Crew
pants: LOFT
bag: Chanel

30 for 30: Halfway home

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today is day 15, which means I'm halfway through the 30 for 30. Yay! Not that this is a sigh of relief and I'm dreading the days until it's over, but it has been quite challenging to stay creative, take pictures everyday, blog everyday (so hard!), and staying away from shopping. Not spending a penny has been the most shocking of all. I thought this would be the hardest obstacle to hurdle, but every store email that comes into my inbox has been relegated to a click-and-archive. It hasn't stopped me from browsing online completely, but it has certainly freed up a lot of my time, lol. Already on my wishlist? This, this, this, this or this, and this. Pleasepleaseplease let none of my favorite stores hold a major sale this month. In the meantime, exerting my willpower is a beautiful feeling :)

shirt: Gap
bracelet: disney couture
belt: Express
jeans: LOFT
bag: agnes b - gift from cousin

30 for 30: Sashes (again)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I loved wearing the sash as a tie/sash as a bow look from last week so I thought I'd try it again with another outfit. Didn't like it as much the second time around, but I can't pinpoint it. Perhaps it's too busy with the pattern? Or stick to one sash at a time? What do you think?

jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch
shirt: American Eagle
sashes: J.Crew, Abercrombie & Fitch
belt: Express
pants: Express
bag: agnes b - gift from cousin
flats: Mossimo

30 for 30: Recycled

Monday, February 14, 2011

Today's outfit is a complete copycat of an outfit I had worn already, minus the top. So uncreative, I know. Off to spend quality time with the boyfriend now... and his laptop... and his NBA games. Sigh. At least I have 90210 and Gossip Girl :) Happy Valentine's Day!

coat: Express
top: LOFT
sashes: Anthropologie, J.Crew
tights: Forever 21
bag: Chanel

30 for 30: Double duty

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is the strap on CoCo (don't judge :D it's a new nickname for the Chanel, thanks to Elle) too short to wear cross-body? Ideally the bag should hit around the hip area? I've seen celebs wearing it this way, but I'm guessing they have a jumbo. Darn medium size! And no, this is not a good reason to get a jumbo :)

Not that I'm really thinking of buying a new bag, but does anyone have recommendations for a cute cross-body bag? I do like look of the Marc Jacobs Single. I'm not really a fan of the Rebecca Minkoff MAC though.

jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch
necklace: H&M (currently sold in stores)
top: H&M - gift from Elle
pants: Express
bag: Chanel

30 for 30: Bows x 4

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Warning: bows overload! I'm counting four. Is that excessive? It certainly wasn't my intention to walk around wrapped like a gift today, but it's too late to do anything about it :)

My brother came over to my apartment today. Out of nowhere he said he was hungry. We had eaten less than 3 hours ago! So I said there's frozen chicken wings/fingers in the freezer and he can help himself. The next thing I knew, he had all the food laid out and the oven preheated. The difference between me and him? I microwave and don't care if the chicken turns a bit soggy. He doesn't mind the extra work and longer wait for better taste. And he's also never been in my kitchen before but yet he figured out the oven just like that. My little brother makes me feel like a kitchen n00b.

necklace: J.Crew
jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch
dress: J.Crew
tights: Forever 21
bag: Chanel
flats: Miu Miu (similar)

30 for 30: Friday night lights

Friday, February 11, 2011

I really like today's outfit, for many reasons. I think it sums me up perfectly. Preppy blazer? Yes. A bit of girliness in the sash? Double yes. Casual in jeans? Yep! (Do I sound like that annoying insurance commercial yet?!) And of course we can't forget the flats. All my favorite pieces in one outfit. Today is a good day. Have a fabulous Friday, everyone!

blazer: theory
sash: J.Crew
belt: J.Crew
jeans: LOFT

30 for 30: The fine fifteen

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Michelle @ wishful thinking tagged me in 15 facts about myself. A Hokie tagging a Wahoo?! *gasps* In my universe, they do get along :)

7 was already hard enough, letsee if I can make it to 15:

1) Boyfriend and I do not own a flat screen TV. We have a 19" tube TV that his mom picked up at a garage sale for $10, haha. We're both avid TV watchers, but feel no need to buy a flat screen when this one is still working just fine! We know we're cheapos when both our moms shakes their heads and nags us to upgrade.

2) Under the old astrological sign, I was a Leo. I've always wondered how I could possibly not have any of the Leo traits (outgoing, center of attention, etc), but now I know -- I'm really a Cancer. I think I'm quite Cancer-ous.

3) The one and only famous person I've met is former President Jimmy Carter. At a Walmart book-signing. For extra credit in high school Government class.

4) I can swim the breaststroke, freestyle, and backstroke. But for the life of me, I could not get the butterfly down. It drove me crazy as a kid. And it's driving me crazy thinking about it now.

5) I run into little kids (so says the boyfriend). Or as I'd like to think, little kids run into me. It's as if we treat each other like Casper.

6) My favorite food is McDonald's chicken nuggets. I once ate 20 in one sitting. I felt like Kobayashi as my friends stared on in horror, amazement, and disgust.

7) I only paint my toe nails, and only in the spring/summer time. I like to keep the nails on my fingers trimmed and clean, a habit that's been ingrained since my piano playing days.

8) I have the worst memory when it comes to lyrics. I can't even win a Grammy in my own car. I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine, smiling next to Oprah and the Queennn. Every time I close my eyesss, la la la la shining lights... Ok I'll stop cuz this is just getting embarrassing.

9) I only drink coffee before noon. Any later and I won't be able to fall asleep at night. I don't have the same issue with sodas though.

10) I'm a clean freak. I wear something once (even for a few hours), and it goes in the laundry basket. Exceptions are dry clean only clothes. Those I'll wear for a season before taking it to the cleaners.

11) I'm missing a bottom teeth. Nope, there isn't an extra gaping hole, I was just born without a full set of teeth. Genetics fail?

12) I've named my Balenciaga Pebbles. The Chanel doesn't have a name... yet (?) Any suggestions? Please tell me I'm not the only weirdo who does this.

13) I don't need to renew my license until I'm 33. I was 19 when my picture was taken. I have a feeling when I'm 33, I'll still look like my 19-year-old self.

14) I wear contacts. Without them, I'd be blind. I don't mind them, so I've never contemplated laser eye surgery.

15) I have virgin hair. Kinda scared to do anything with it, for fear that it gets frizzier and even more unruly.

Whew! I made it to fifteen, but the "facts" turned out to be more subjective instead. Feel free to share a subjective fact about yourself :)

cardigan: Forever 21
tee: H&M
sash: J.Crew
jeans: LOFT

30 for 30: Two colors

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

A coworker stopped me in the hallway to say I reminded him of Alice, from Alice in Wonderland. I asked if it was the poofy skirt. He said no, looked at my shoes, and proclaimed that it's the shoes. So here's today's outfit, inadvertently inspired by Alice, according to a guy. (It was a cold day, so I layered the electric blue tights underneath the gray ones. I'm way too chicken to be wearing bright blue tights at work! But it's ok for picture taking).

scarf: American Eagle
cardigan: Old Navy (currently sold here)
belt: J.Crew
dress: Plastic Island
tights: Forever 21
bag: Balenciaga
flats: Miu Miu (similar)

30 for 30: I need driving lessons

Monday, February 07, 2011

I ran a red light today. Thankfully I didn't hit anyone. But my god, I felt so guilty the rest of the drive home. I couldn't stop checking the rear view mirror, as if a cop would suddenly appear. It was completely my fault. I just became impatient because everyone was making a left turn and I wanted to go straight. It's like my brain KNEW I needed to stop, but my body was too slow to react. I'm sure everyone from all four directions was wondering who this lunatic driver was. No excuses, I need to get my head together when I drive. I hope your Monday was better than mine!

shirt: Hollister
top: Gap
necklace: H&M (currently sold in stores)
belt: Old Navy
jeans: LOFT
flats: Mossimo

30 for 30: Super Bowl Sunday

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Let's go Redskins! Wait, it's not 1992. It's been almost 20 years since they've even been in the mix. I was too young to appreciate the championship in '92, and it might be another 20 years before we can get excited about a team worth getting excited about. So instead, I'm wishing for a great game tonight. An exciting one that comes down to the last minute, please! Who are you cheering for?

cardigan: Forever 21
top: LOFT
sash: J.Crew
tights: Forever 21

30 for 30: What's in a name?

Friday, February 04, 2011

I was leaving a comment for Kristen when I noticed someone else named Cee left her a comment, which so happened to be right before mine, lol. What are the chances?!

Have you wondered what kind of name is Cee? Well, it's the phonetic sound of the letter "C." My name is really Christine, but as a child I would hastily scribble notes to my parents signed "-C" because I was always in a hurry to go places. So if you're friends with both of us, feel free to call me whatever you want, Cee, Christine, bright day girl! Or if you're only friends with me, you can still call me whatever you want.

top: Abercrombie & Fitch
blazer: theory
pants: Express
bag: Chanel

30 for 30: Undefined

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Trying out a different look today... bohemian? shabby chic? Is there a name for it? In hindsight, I probably should have worn my long, nicer Express coat, but I had lunch planned with coworkers and didn't want the food smells to stick!

jacket: American Eagle
cardigan: Old Navy (currently sold here)
dress: J.Crew
belt: Forever 21
tights: Forever 21
bag: agnes b - gift from cousin

1 year blogiversary giveaway winner

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Winner is: Liz! Congrats!

Please respond to my email with your mailing address info within 48 hours. I'll mail out your Anthro gift card shortly after.

Thanks everyone for participating!

30 for 30: Prepster

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

I can't say no to pearls. That's especially true for pearls with preppy touches. It's probably a bit much to match the bow on the necklace with my belt, but I couldn't help it. Bear with me just this one time.

sweater: Abercrombie & Fitch
shirt: American Eagle
necklace: H&M (currently sold in stores)
belt: Old Navy
pants: LOFT
socks: J.Crew

30 for 30 abercrombie abercrombie & fitch accessories adidas adrienne vittadini agnes b alejandro ingelmo alexandre birman ali ro alternative apparel american eagle amrita singh ann taylor anthropologie apple aqua armani exchange articles of society asos award bag balenciaga banana republic barbour bath and body works bcbg bcbgirls beauty bebe bensoni biltmore for madewell blank nyc blog every day bloggers do it better bois du boulogne bp. brian nagourney burberry by malene birger c. wonder c/meo collective canada goose cara accessories carlos by carlos santana carolina bucci cartonnier caslon casual cb2 celebrities celine chanel chantecaille chelsea28 chicwish china glaze chloe christian louboutin citrus clothing clu too club monaco coach coffee shop cole haan collection collection 18 color brigade columbia crate & barrel crewcuts cuyana cynthia rowley david yurman dc deborah lippmann decor delman disney couture diy dogeared dressy dsquared2 ebay elizabeth and james elleme equipment esprit etsy everlane express featured fendi forever 21 frank & eileen free people gap gara danielle gibson giles & brother giveaway gorjana goyard grace gift gucci h&m halogen halogen x atlantic-pacific halston heritage haul hearth & hand heirloom finds hollister how to hue hunter ikea ilnp in real life inspired by iris & ink isabel marant ivanka trump j.crew jennifer chamandi jenny yuen jewelry jimmy choo john hardy jones new york joules julie vos kate spade kristin coffin l'oreal lanvin lanvin x h&m lesportsac levi's loeffler randall loft longchamp look for less looks like summer lord & taylor lou & grey love 21 lucy m.gemi mac macy's madewell maje make make up for ever manolo blahnik marc jacobs mary katrantzou massimo dutti maybelline mercedes-benz merona michael michael kors misc miu miu mlb modcloth mossimo moulinette soeurs msgm mvmt nadri new balance new balance for j.crew nike nina ricci nine west nordstrom north face nyc nyc new york color nyx old navy olivia burton opi oscar de la renta pfc pierrepont hicks piperlime plastic island pleione polene polo prabal gurung at j.crew proenza schouler ralph lauren ramblings raphaella booz reader mail rebecca minkoff red valentino reed wilson design review revlon river island robert rodriguez ross-simons rsvp saint james saint laurent sales sally hansen sam edelman schutz shashi shinhwa shoes shopbop shopping shopstyle simply vera vera wang sinful colors professional soia & kyo sole society sony sorel sorel for j.crew sperry sponsor spotted moth stella mccartney stephanie b strathberry stuart weitzman style file superdry t3 tadashi shoji tagged talbots target the container store the horse the limited theory tips & tricks too faced topshop tory burch tous colors toys travels ugg uniqlo uniqueen unknown valentino veque for j.crew vera bradley via spiga victoria's secret vince vince camuto vineyard vines walmart ways to wear west elm white house black market wishlist work xhilaration xoxo yearly summary ysl zac posen for target zara zella